
Christ Church - Blakenall Heath

Article - The Special Service for Terry Bunn

Christ Church saw a unique event on the evening of Thursday 14th June when Terry Bunn, lay chair of Walsall deanery for 27 years, was presented with a 'Bishop's Citation' in recognition of this and of his faithful service on Diocesan Synod, on many diocesan committees and as a Church warden.

The deanery had celebrated Terry's 25th anniversary of this lay ministry but the diocese wanted to recognise formally his contribution with a citation , sealed with the episcopal seal. This presentation was at the centre of a service of thanksgiving and celebration held at Christ Church.

Some 360 people came to the service including representatives from local community organisations. We were delighted that Bishop Clive , of Wolverhampton, led the service and gave the address. Bishop Jonathan Gledhill and his wife Jane arrived and Bp Jonathan read and presented the citation in recognition of distinguished lay service. Bishop Michael Bourke accompanied by his wife Liz came too . It is possible to name the three bishops in attendance but clearly impossible to record all those clergy and people who came to celebrate the occasion here: everyone signed a visitors' book on arrival, so Terry has that information!

A 'This is your Life' interlude provided an insight into the scale and good humour of Terry's commitment as a layman in the Church of England. Tributes included those from Jeffrey Arnold, Keith and Marion Masters, Hazel Bloxham [ from W Bromwich deanery], Bp. Jonathan and Jane Gledhill, and Bp Mike and Liz Bourke. Fr Colin Gibson spoke in verse [!] and finally Terry's brother Ray spoke movingly for Terry's family.

A scrapbook recording these and other tributes and momentos had been beautifully prepared by Michaela, and this too was presented to Terry.

Reference was made, of course, to Terry's Franciscan spirituality and, in keeping with this, the hymns included 'All creatures of our God and King' and 'Make me a channel of your peace'. Also in keeping with Franciscan [and Christ Church] tradition a marvellous feast followed the service where everyone moved happily between Church and hall in continued celebration.

The evening was a high point. It reflected Terry's contribution to Church life, it was an uplifting and prayerful occasion and it was a party - something Terry is good at!!

The rural dean, Jenny Hill told us that the diocese may have established a precedent in giving the citation in recognition of lay service. If more citations are awarded in Lichfield and other dioceses then we can be sure that Terry's service- in all senses -was a worthy 'first'.